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Litz Wire & Winding Wire

Litz Wire consists of a number of individually insulated magnet wires twisted or braided into a uniform pattern with the primary benefit of reducing A.C. Losses in high frequency windings.

OSCO offer unlimited Litz Wire constructions with multiple layers of insulation to meet UL voltage withstand requirements.

Typically when manufacturing Motors, Transformers and other electromagnetic devices, magnetic fields are created by current in a wire. By raising the frequency, you create stronger fields and higher coupling resulting in a loss in the materials due to two effects – Skin Effect and Proximity Effect.
As the frequency rises, the current migrates to the skin and the current is pushed away by the field of its neighbouring strand making the core of the conductor useless.
Litz Wire mitigates both the Skin Effect and Proximity Effect Losses. OSCO design with strands that are smaller than the skin depth and transpose those strands throughout the length of the wire. The correct size of the skin depth is based on the frequency of the application.
The most important question to consider when designing your Litz Wire is what is your operating frequency for the application? This is due to the most well-known benefit of Litz Wire - a reduction of A.C losses.  The operating frequency for your application will determine both the Litz Wire construction and the individual wire gauge size.

Benefits of Litz Wire:

  • Increase Copper Density and Efficiencies
  • Mitigation of Skin and Proximity Effect
  • Reduce A.C. Losses
  • Reduction of Footprint and Weight
  • Minimum Eddy Current Losses
  • Lowered Operating Temperatures
  • Avoidance of "Hot Spots"

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Round Type 1 Litz A single twisting operation with optional outer insulation.
Round Type 2 Litz Bundles of twisted wire twisted together with optonal outer insulation.
Round Type 3 Litz Insulated bundles of twisted wire twisted together with an optional outer insulation.
Round Type 4 Litz Bundles of twisted wire twisted around a centre fiber core.
Round Type 5 Litz Insulated bundles of Type 2 Litz Wire twisted around a fiber core.
Round Type 6 Litz Insulated bundles of Type 4 Litz Wire twisted around a fiber core.
Rectangular Type 7 Litz Insulated wire braided and formed into a rectangular profile.
Rectangular Type 8 Litz Single insulated strands twisted and compressed into a rectangular profile.
Square Shaped Profiles Square Profiled Litz Wire allows for the best possible use of available winding space in your application.
Cooled Profiles Cooled Litz Wire uses a tube core to carry coolant through the Litz, increasing the current carrying capacity of the winding.
Keystone Shaped Profiles Keystone shaped Litz Wire gives the best wire packing density allowing for the winding of perfect segments.
Custom Profiles Formed and compacted Litz Wire constructions for applications where limited space necessitates a conductor with excellent fill factor and copper density.
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