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Ribbon Cables

Ribbon Cables can be used in many worn applications such as headphones and other devices which take advantage of their improved flexibility, reduced size and easy separation.

Ribbon Cables are typically used in many audio, medical device and industrial appliance applications.  The cable is manufactured by jacketing multiple legs in a single extrusion process which produces a cable of high single dimension flexibility that has easily separated sub-components.

Ribbon Cables can also be used to combine conductors and tubing together for a single device, usually seen in the medical industry, to avoid the possibility of tubes becoming crimped or pinched.

Advantages of Ribbon Cables:

  • Improved Flexibility
  • Reduced Size
  • Easy separation
view of rainbow coloured bonded ribbon cable on a white background.
view of a ribbon cable in clear tubing on a white background.
view of a dual ribbon cable in red and black tubing on a white background.

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