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Advanced Aircraft Engines rely upon specialty materials to sustain their high performance. As performance increases, there is a requirement for materials to withstand the higher temperatures.

OSCO have a range of High Performance Thermal Interface Materials available, we can work with you to meet your specifications.

In addition, our specialty Elastomer and Shielding Gaskets have been used in aircrafts as sealants for the extreme conditions aircrafts must endure.

Cables may be subjected to harsh environments and put through electrical and mechanical demands. As such, cable designed specifically to meet your Wish List requirements has become increasingly popular within the Aerospace Industry as standard off-the-shelf cables are no longer suitable. OSCO have the capability to design cables and provide you with the solution for your unique applications.

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“The demands of our industry require suppliers to be exact in their information and to deliver high quality products. OSCO is considered a key supplier to meet the demands of our aerospace industry.”


Aircraft Electronics Manufacturer

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